
Gary 13th December 2017

My beautiful brother Danny, it’s so hard knowing that I will never see or hear you again. At least not in this life. You have left such a massive void in so many people’s lives. I’m so so sorry that I did not fully understand your demons and how they used to torture you. At least you cannot be tortured anymore. There will never be a day go by when you are not in my thoughts. Since you have left us I have come to realise how many amazing TRUE friends you had in your life who loved and cared about you so much and tried to help you when you needed them. They are now also my friends and friends of the whole family for life and My promise to you is that whenever any of them are struggling and need help I will do all I can to help them, that’s the least you and they deserve. I hope you are now at peace and are being well looked after until I see you again. Miss you always little brother (or should that be Bruv)? See you when I get there 💔😢 xxx
